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Create and update your content as a collection of structured HTML pages using your favorite HTML editor. Once you have built an appropriate directory of HTML files, use one of the following commands to create and manage your help.

Express Help

Express Help - Select your web directory, click "Create help" and you will have a .HxS or .CHM help file.

Alternatively, right-click on your Help folder in Windows Explorer and select "Compile to HTML Help with FAR".

FAR HTML Express Help

Help Wizard

Help Wizard - More control. Guides you step by step. Create either .HxS (MS Help 2 to include Visual Studio help) or .CHM (for your application help).

FAR HTML Help Wizard

Advanced editor (TOC and Index)

Edit files (.hhc and .hhk) of an HTML Help project or files (.HxT and .HxK) of an MS Help 2 project. Also table of contents (TOC) and keywords of MS Help 3 (Visual Studio 2010 Help) projects can be edited.

FAR HTML TOC and Index Editor

Uncompressed help (Web Help)

Create help to run in the browser.Add JavaScript based table of contents, index and search to your HTML files.


Press "Generate" and you have a ready web help

FAR HTML Web Help Generated

Also checkout ESRI's web help created using FAR HTML:

or another example with some older content at:

FAR HH Project Editor

Advanced .HHP Project Editor. Take full control of your help project.

FAR HTML HH Project Editor

Help Tools

For .CHM and .HxS help files. View help file contents; decompile help files; test API help calls; insert HH ActiveX code snippets; check help file links.

FAR HTML Help Tools

Help Explorer

Examine the inner structure of your .CHM and .HxS help files.

FAR HTML Help Explorer

Microsoft Help 2 Project Editor

Maintain your VS 2002\2003\2005\2008 compatible help. Creates .HxS help, TOC, Index files. Test your help. Wizards for creating support files.

FAR HTML - Microsoft Help 2 Project Editor

Microsoft Help 2 Utilities

Manage the registration of MS Help 2 help files. Decompile ,HxS help files. Plus more.

FAR HTML - Microsoft Help 2 Utilitiese

Help 2 Viewer

VS 2002\2003\2005\2008 DExplore alternative Viewer. H2Viewer is also available as a free standalone viewer.

FAR HTML - Help 2 Viewer

VS 2010 Help Integration

Migrate HH and H2 help to .mshc help for integration into Visual Studio 2010 help. This is not application help.

FAR HTML - Visual Studio 2010 Help Integration

HTML Tag Editor

Add, remove & modify HTML tags across hundreds of files at a time. First drop your help project onto the FAR (main window) file list.

FAR HTML - HTML Tag Editor

Batch Decompile

Decompile many .Chm & .HxS help files in one pass. All ITS help files in the FAR file list will be decompiled to the selected folder.

FAR HTML - Batch Decompile

Batch Compile

Compile all your help projects in one pass. All output is sent to a single log file.

FAR HTML - Batch Compile

File Report

Create advanced reports on all files dropped on that FAR file list. This is a fast way for writing batch files that work on 1000's of files.

FAR HTML - File Report

FAR Find and Replace

Powerful Find and Replace command. Safely update 1000's of files in a single sweep.

FAR HTML - Find and Replace

FAR Copy

Copy all files in the file list to another location while maintaining folder structure. Handy since you can filter out files first.



Create and View Industry standard .ZIP and .Cab files. Now Unicode friendly.


Other File Commands

The Commands menu contains a lot of handy file commands that work on the files in the file list.

  • Set file create and modify time stamps.
  • Set file encoding - UTF-8, Unicode (UTF-16), ANSI.
  • Set file attributes.
  • Batch rename files.
  • Line breaks - Count line breaks. Convert between CRLF <-> CR <-> LF line breaks.
  • Convert all HTML files to XHTML.
  • etc.

FAR HTML - Other File Commands